
Things To Consider When Looking Into Montessori Learning For Your Kids

As your child approaches the age for daycare or a preschool environment, deciding on an educational approach can be challenging. This is particularly true if you want something that's different from the traditional type of educational facility. One of the things you might want to explore is the possibility of a Montessori education for your child. Here are some facts you need to know if you're considering enrolling your child in a Montessori facility.

Where Can Your Welding Education Take You? Fun Facts About The Field

You're considering a welding education program. A career in this field offers an array of job options and lets you follow many different paths. When you start your educational program (and sign up for welding courses), you're on your way to a future that's filled with possibilities. But, before you get serious and start welding professionally, check out a few interesting (and even amazing) facts about your new career choice.

2 Tips For Performing Well On Your Standardized Test For Nursing School

Nursing school can be extremely competitive. The application process requires that all applicants submit their standardized test scores along with their other application materials. You may be required to take the Graduate Record Examination or the Test of Essential Academic Skills. All standardized tests for nursing school are meant to test you in a wide variety of areas including math and science. These tests are meant to give the section committee an idea of how well you will perform in the program.

3 Reasons The Montessori Philosophy Should Be Implemented In Child Day Care Centers

Each child is different and because of this it is very important to teach them in such a way that allows their different needs to be met, while still allowing them to learn. A great philosophy to use when teaching children is the Montessori Philosophy. This article will discuss 3 awesome reasons the Montessori Philosophy should be implemented in child day care centers where children spend much of their time learning and growing.

4 Questions To Ask When Choosing A Driving School For Your Teen

If your teen is quickly approaching the age of being eligible for a driver's license, you may be feeling understandably conflicted. Part of you is probably excited for your teen, but as a parent, you may also have your concerns. The key to making sure your teen is prepared to fly solo behind-the-wheel is enrolling him or her in a reputable driving school. Before you select a driving school for your teen, however, there are some questions worth asking about the program.

Helping Your Preschooler With Executive Functioning Skills

Does your child struggle with organization? Is following through with directions and projects difficult for him? Does he have trouble managing his time effectively? If any of these ring true, your child may have some issues with executive function. The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) defines executive function as the ability to "connect present action to past experiences." Put simply, executive function helps people to plan and follow through. However, before you start trying to self-diagnose your child with a learning disability, here are some ways that you can help your child to improve his executive function at home.