Time For Recess: 3 Signs Of A Quality Child Care Program Playground

There is no doubt about it. Kids love playing outside, and their shouts of joy can be heard clear across the neighborhood when they are let out of their classrooms for recess. In child care centers, outdoor areas are definitely favored by children, and your child gets the opportunity to build their gross motor skills while socializing with their friends as they run, climb and slide. While your child is just having fun, every activity has been carefully planned to stimulate their development while keeping them safe.

Is It Worth Having Your Gifted Child's IQ Tested?

If you're the parent of an ultra-intelligent or talented child, you may find yourself simultaneously thankful for the many skills you've never needed to push your child to master and cursing the extra challenges this high intelligence brings. For parents whose own academic performance has always been average at best, knowing how to test your child's limits and manage the educational process can seem like an insurmountable hurdle, even when it comes to issues as seemingly simple as whether to have your child's intelligence quotient (IQ) tested.