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Is It Worth Having Your Gifted Child's IQ Tested?

If you're the parent of an ultra-intelligent or talented child, you may find yourself simultaneously thankful for the many skills you've never needed to push your child to master and cursing the extra challenges this high intelligence brings. For parents whose own academic performance has always been average at best, knowing how to test your child's limits and manage the educational process can seem like an insurmountable hurdle, even when it comes to issues as seemingly simple as whether to have your child's intelligence quotient (IQ) tested. Read on to learn more about some of the potential benefits that can come from knowing your child's IQ score as well as some other factors you may want to take into account when deciding whether to pursue this testing. 

Is there any benefit to learning your child's IQ score if you're already aware he or she is gifted?

An IQ test can be a great tool to determine whether a child has any particular skills or talents—particularly in situations where these skills may not be readily apparent. For example, some children on the autism spectrum or who have cerebral palsy may be written off as having below-average intelligence due to their delayed speech or difficulty with physical tasks, even if they're able to perform complex calculations mentally, speak another language, or compose music.  

On the other hand, if you're already well aware that your child is gifted, you may wonder whether it's worth putting him or her through a written test simply to be able to attach a number to this label. In some cases, the answer may be no, but in others, knowing your child's IQ can be crucial when it comes to getting him or her into certain accelerated programs or even a private school for the gifted. 

What else should you consider when deciding whether your child should take an IQ test?

If you're still on the fence with regard to IQ testing, there are a few other factors you may want to mull over before making a decision. 

The first is your child's age and general maturity. If he or she is old enough to know why the test is being administered and that the resulting number is an indication of his or her intelligence, you'll want to ask yourself if you're sure he or she will be content with the result. Some hyper-driven children may find themselves dismayed at a lower-than-expected score while others may find themselves feeling new pressure to "live up to" a higher IQ number. 

You'll also want to evaluate the benefits of an IQ test specific to your child. If such a test is necessary for placement in certain classes or courses of study, it can be a no-brainer; on the other hand, if you only want to know the number for your own bragging rights, it may be best to leave this decision up to your child.

Visit sites such as iq-brain.com to get started with testing if you decide that this is the right decision for you and your child.
