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Online High School Experience: Setting Your Teen Up For Success

If your teen has decided to finish out their high school education in an online high school setting instead of attending in person, you'll find that the approach to this type of schooling is a little bit different. It's important that you're fully prepared to help your child succeed because an online school platform puts far more responsibility on your teen to get things done. Here's a look at a few tips to help your child succeed and reach graduation.

Encourage Live Session Attendance 

One of the things that you'll find with most online high schools is that each class will have live sessions where students meet virtually with their teacher and classmates in a video chat classroom environment. These live sessions are important for many students to help them stay engaged and caught up in class and to help them feel a sense of responsibility to get their assignments done on time. 

In addition, many children need this live session time and lecture session to reinforce the information that they're learning. As a result, make sure that your teen is attending as many live sessions as possible to help keep them engaged in their classes.

Set Them Up For Success

The next thing to consider is ensuring that your child has somewhere to work that fosters success. Set up a working area with a desk, lamp, plenty of space for their computer, books, and notebooks, and even room for a drink or snack. 

That way, your teen can set up everything they need in one area and they won't have to go digging for things or struggle to find the folder or notebook that they need for an assignment. In addition, when you create a space that's dedicated to schoolwork, they are more likely to stay focused when they sit there.

Create A Schedule

For online high school classes that are mostly asynchronous, you'll have to make sure that your child is staying accountable and is on time with their submissions for class. This often means creating a schedule for each class to be sure that lessons and assignments are done on time. Set up a clear schedule with due dates and times dedicated to each class so that your teen knows exactly what is expected of them and when. This is important for encouraging success because it provides clear expectations.

These are a few of the things that you should know when it comes to helping your child prepare for success in their online high school experience.

Check out some online schools available today.
