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4 Things Kids Can Do At Preschool

Preschool can be an excellent learning opportunity for young children. While preschool is optional, enrolling your child can give them an excellent start in life. Here are four things your child can do in preschool.

1. Develop an affinity for stories.

Reading is an important skill that will serve your child well throughout their life. Most children learn to read when they're six or seven years old. However, you can lay the groundwork for reading at earlier ages. Preschool can help your child develop an affinity for stories. Your child's preschool teacher will read aloud to the class, exposing kids to a wide variety of storybooks. Additional activities can further solidify your child's love of stories, such as drawing pictures based on the events in their favorite books.

2. Take part in group activities.

Preschool is the first opportunity many kids have to spend time with other kids of their age. As part of a preschool curriculum, your child will have the opportunity to take part in group activities. These activities can be fun learning experiences. They can also teach your child the importance of teamwork and cooperation. Group activities will help your child learn to socialize with others, which can make the eventual adjustment to kindergarten easier.

3. Manage age-appropriate responsibilities.

As kids grow, their maturity level increases. Giving kids age-appropriate responsibilities can help them build confidence and life skills. At preschool, your child will be given small responsibilities to manage. For example, kids in a Montessori preschool are expected to clean up after themselves. Kids may also be tasked with passing out snacks and other minor, helpful activities. These responsibilities can help your child grow into a helpful, mature young person.

4. Spend time exploring and playing.

Preschool-age kids aren't ready to sit still in a classroom for hours. Childhood is a time of boundless energy and curiosity. Preschoolers have a natural drive to explore and play. Montessori curricula encourage this natural curiosity. At a Montessori preschool, your child will be encouraged to engage in self-directed play. As your child engages with toys and other children, they will be learning about the world around them. Self-directed learning is an excellent way to instill a lifelong love of education in your child.

If you want your child to learn, build their reading skills, and play with other kids, a Montessori preschool is a perfect environment. Preschool will help your child prepare for kindergarten. Many kids enjoy the time they spend in a Montessori preschool.
